Father, can you hear me through your sorrow

Autor: Osh

Father, can you hear me through your sorrow?
The world outside whispers in shades of grief,
Where green weeps under the weight of gold
In the silent ballet of mourning light.

Sunflowers bow their heads in solemn respect,
Their golden faces tinged with the pain of loss,
Overshadowed by the stoic evergreens,
Silent sentinels guarding memories unspoken.

On our garden path, now less trodden,
Paw prints meander aimlessly in the rain -
Echoes of a livelier past,
A stark contrast to our present,
Where joy once danced, now only shadows remain.

You sit, withdrawn,
Beside the fire that weeps and wails,
Its flames a futile attempt
To warm a heart turned stone,
Reflecting in your eyes,
The ashes of a fire long gone.

Father, will you ever smile again?
The echoes of my brothers’ laughter
Seem so distant, carried away by the wind,
Their absence a void no words can fill,
A gap in our family tapestry,
An emptiness that lingers, silent and still.

The tea cools, untouched,
Its warmth a forgotten comfort,
Just like the days when laughter
Filled these walls,
Now, there’s just the quiet,
And your unseeing gaze.

Your world, once vibrant,
Now mirrors the gray skies,
No storms, no sunshine break through
The veil of your distant eyes.
A fortress of solitude,
Reflecting the embers of a life once lived.

Father, I wish you could see beyond the flames,
To the life that still beckons outside,
Where nature mourns with us,
In the embrace of dusk,
In the gentle sigh of the setting sun.

I dream of nights when we can walk together,
Sharing the silence, understanding its depths,
Under the stars that witnessed our joys and sorrows,
Breathing in the night’s melancholic tune,
Finding solace in its shared sorrow.

Father, will you ever find your way back?
Hand in hand, perhaps we can navigate
This labyrinth of grief,
And in the dying light of your gaze,
Find a flicker of the love that once guided our way.

Will you smile again, Father?
Even a fleeting glimpse would suffice,
A silent testament that together,
We can endure, we can remember,
And in remembering, find our way through the night.

Autor: Osh
entstanden am und nach dem 10. Dezember 23, in der Schreibstube N°2